FASDtastic Family Allies!!! (If you can read this, that qualifies YOU as an important member of FASDtastic “Family Allies”)
Welcome! I have a vision of the “Family Allies” as being the network of resources we can bring together.
All posts must be POSITIVE Please! There is far too much negativity in the world. I aim to be a positive influence. I want to shine the light of Love & Hope and JOY into our lives as we journey together.
FASD effects everyone in the family. Even extended family members and friends of the family are impacted by the dynamics of being part of the life of an Individual with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
My question for you right now is…
What topics do you want to see here at FASDtastic Families?
For example you can respond with “More about executive functioning“
or “Tips for Grocery Shopping With My FASDtasticKid(s)”.
Everything from Neuroscience topics to self-care and parenting tips!
So, please, go ahead and let me know what you want to know about.
Thank you most sincerely for being here and sharing this journey with me!
@JJ DunhamReed